Salisbury Fencing Club

Geoffrey Russell Cup

2024 sees the fourth running of Wiltshire's premier intra-club foil competition. Kris turned on the style to win the trophy last year, but who will reign supreme this time? Anyone could win, so there is no excuse not to get involved. Remember: the more fights you have, the more points you can score.

Geoffrey Russell Cup


  • Each fight is the first to 5 hits and a maximum of 3 minutes, with priority and one further minute if scores are level.
  • Fencers are awarded their hits plus 2 extra points for a win and 1 extra point for a loss.
  • All fights must be fought on electrics on a marked piste and must be presided and timed.
  • Each pair of fencers may fight each other only once in the rounds.


As Dan was unable to attend on the final day, Pete (being 5th in the table) stepped in as replacement. The results were as follows:

Semi-Final 1
Semi-Final 2

So Nathanael is this year's Champion and Eddie wins the award for Best Novice. Congratulations to them both!


The standings will appear here after each club night. The top four will go through to the semi-finals.

If any two fencers are level on points, the one with the fewer hits conceded will rank higher. If they are still tied going into the semi-finals, a 1-hit fight will be held to break the tie.

1Nathanael 7 0 35 14 49
2Devon 6 2 34 20 48
3Dan 4 4 31 27 43
4Eddie 2 6 28 35 38
5Pete 5 1 26 17 37
6Anton 3 5 23 33 34
7Glynne 2 4 18 24 26
8Rick 2 4 14 24 22
9Esme 0 5 10 25 15

Match list

DatePlayer 1HitsHitsPlayer 2Winner
2024-06-19 Devon 5 0 Esme Devon
2024-06-19 Dan 5 4 Esme Dan
2024-06-19 Nathanael 5 4 Dan Nathanael
2024-06-19 Anton 5 2 Esme Anton
2024-06-19 Eddie 3 5 Pete Pete
2024-06-19 Nathanael 5 1 Rick Nathanael
2024-06-19 Pete 5 3 Devon Pete
2024-06-19 Eddie 2 5 Dan Dan
2024-06-19 Anton 5 2 Dan Anton
2024-06-19 Glynne 1 5 Devon Devon
2024-06-19 Pete 1 5 Nathanael Nathanael
2024-06-19 Glynne 5 3 Eddie Glynne
2024-06-19 Dan 2 5 Pete Pete
2024-06-19 Dan 5 0 Rick Dan
2024-06-12 Devon 1 5 Nathanael Nathanael
2024-06-12 Eddie 4 5 Anton Anton
2024-06-12 Eddie 5 2 Rick Eddie
2024-06-12 Nathanael 5 1 Anton Nathanael
2024-06-12 Rick 5 1 Esme Rick
2024-06-12 Glynne 2 5 Pete Pete
2024-06-12 Eddie 5 3 Esme Eddie
2024-05-29 Dan 3 5 Devon Devon
2024-05-29 Anton 1 5 Devon Devon
2024-05-29 Anton 2 5 Pete Pete
2024-05-29 Glynne 1 5 Dan Dan
2024-05-29 Rick 1 5 Devon Devon
2024-05-29 Eddie 4 5 Devon Devon
2024-05-08 Nathanael 5 2 Eddie Nathanael
2024-05-08 Glynne 5 1 Anton Glynne
2024-05-08 Anton 3 5 Rick Rick
2024-05-01 Glynne 4 5 Nathanael Nathanael

Results from previous years are also available.